I was thoroughly amused. Let's start with the good..... Bethanny is actually REAL! I have respect for her, because she is who she is, and doesn't play games except, I think she's in denial about her boyfriend/fiance. I don't think he wants to get married again. I feel bad, because Bethanny has a need to right the wrongs of her parents, and prove to herself that she is an okay person. (Totally uneccessary, because she is a doll, but we all have our neurosis...)
Jill is a trip! She is such a Yenta! I bet NYC is full of them!!!! She can be a bit judgemental (emphasis on mental...) and a tad nosy, but hey, we all know people like that..... I wasn't crazy about the way she was skewering Bethanny about "working on getting a watch" to match those diamond earrings for her birthday. I mean, show some class..... I do love the way she lets her little dog lick the inside of her nostrils though!!!!!!That was too funny!!!!
Luann is an ex-model who has found her Prince/Count Charming (read: older man....) to let her do as she pleases while he's away in Europe (a lot). She has fallen into snobbery. her housekeeper, Rosie is her most valuable possession, but I'm not sure she realizes just who is raising her (nice) children while she is out "slumming" in the bad part of the city with her bohemian niece, drinking very strong cocktails, listening to garage bands.....on "taco night".
AHHH....Alex......(and Simon) I'm not really sure what the deal is here. I'm not convinced that they are co-dependant. I think she is his little American Barbie doll who he loves to dress up and then make her feel guilty by telling her how much he has spent on her. I also think he likes to hear her parrot his ideas and feelings back to himself. Their kids, Francois and Johan seem quite intelligent, but Francois already has his father's arrogance. So sad, and they clearly need manners. (What they let him do to Bethanny's boyfriend's hamburger was so wrong!)
They repeated over and over last night that they weren't social climbers, but that's exactly what they've been saying all along, isn't it? Alex, for me, isn't pretty, but at times she can be quite beautiful with the right makeup on. I would like to see her in something other than those floaty safari dresses and wonky, ratty suits though. And for gosh sakes... do something different with that hair!!!!! There are nude photos of Alex, and the other housewives made a big deal over this, but I think she has a right to do whatever she wants. it's not the first time someone has posed topless....
Which leads me to crazy Ramona. I have tried to find good in her, but she makes Vicky from the housewives of Orange County look serene! This woman has no filter, and she is just unrefined.
She is classless and judgemental, which makes her dangerous, in my opinion. She is very hurtful to others, and she has no remorse gene. She is constantly on the defense because people criticize her for the opinionated, ignorant things that come out of her lasered face...
It really bugs me to see her wearing those diamond encrusted crosses around her neck, when she is very UN-Christian. And, what was this faux outrage at Alex's nude pics? I guess she couldn't stand the spotlight being on someone else for a second.
Like I said, I was amused by this show. I'm not sure if it really represents NYC women, but someone sure found some eccentric ones!
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