Got up this morning and took The Boy (that's what we call my son) back to school. It was a quiet ride, because he is so involved with schoolwork right now he cannot think of anything else, poor guy.
It seemed to take FOREVER to go and get back.
I stopped at Family Dollar on the way home. I always want to stop there and see what kind of stuff they sell there. I ended up spending less than 5 dollars!
When I got back, I called my twin sister, to see what is up with her. She's sick once again with bronchitis. I've been there, and I feel her pain. Bronchitis is so tiring. I miss talking to her. She moved to NJ a few months back.We sort of keep up with each other by sending Youtube videos back and forth to each other. It keeps us amused.
Then, my older sister phoned me to tell me she had gotten the scarf I fixed for her in the mail, and thank you. We chatted about general things, and it was nice to hear from her as well!
If you are wondering, the picture of Harley is in this post, because I finally figured out how to
place photos IN the post and not just next to it. And there is always more room for a pic of that little gal.....
This week flew by. Not sure what we'll be doing this weekend, but I will take pictures, even if it is just random stuff!
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