I went to the movies alone today. I don't usually do that, but I desperately wanted to see THE WOMEN.
I am a fan ofthe first movie from 1939, and was curious to see what they did to change it for today.

Let me first say, that Annette Benning was fantastic, and she had the biggest part in the movie. They should have just called the movie, Sylvie afer her character's name. She was in almost every scene and her story line seemed like it was the central plot!I have been a huge annette Benning fan forever. I think she is one of the best actresses around today. her character was a bit Mimi-Rodger-ish. Sort of scary and together. After watching the movie, I shopped around the mall a bit and happened upon this really nice lip gloss. It is glossy, but not sticky, and this is the color I got. when you hold it up to the light it is like clear pearlescent golden pink. On, it looks so natural and shiny. The guy at the makeup counter introduced himself to me because he wanted to look at my ring. It's a black plastic heart with a bunch of rhinestones around the edge. I bought it because it looked like something from Betsey Johnson.
I guess that's what he was thinking as well. then he told me he used to work as an assistant for Betsey Johnson back in the 80's. (he seemed like the type.....*winks*) He was shaking my hand and introduced himself as David, and gave me his card, gave me hhis schedule there, etc.... I almost started laughing he was so cute... he looked like Carrie's friend, Stanford on SATC.
I hennaed my hair last night. It looks nice now. It didn't really change the color, but it now has a lot of reddish highlights, and the greys are blended in. I wanted to do this because henna coats the hair shaft and now it will be less prone to those hateful fly-aways caused by static in the cold weather. I forgot how much I love the smell of henna....like muddy tea.... I forgot to put on gloves, and my hands are a mess. my palms are sort of yellow, and it wrecked my nail polish.
I found a new magazine to love. GOTHAM. It's another New York magazine. I was just saying to Jerry last night that there are so many great magazines out of New York. that just reminded me of a magazine I used to subscribe to called PLATINUM. It was around for a couple of years, then it started having problems. I spoke to the editor, Nash, towards the end, and she was pretty fed up with things. It was different than the VOGUES
There are a couple of good US magazines , but most of the time they cater to the younger reader.
I just looked at the time.....it's after 8:00PM! OOPS...gotta go!
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