Saturday, September 27, 2008


I am just a big baby today....
Went to the dentist this morning and was there for 2 hours getting my temporary crown put on. Got like 10 shots of Novocaine (seriously...) and it started wearing off about 3/4 of the way through. The dentist asked me if I wanted more, and I declined. I hate that stuff, and I'm one of these people who anesthesia wears off on. When I had my c-section I woke up during surgery. That is how I found out I was someone who needs a bigger dosage. While I was growing up our family dentist never used novocaine, and I was married before I ever had a single dose of the stuff.
Since I've been back from the dentist my tooth and gums feel like they've been beaten severely. Even my cheek has a bruised sensation to it. I came home and slept for a couple of hours. It hurts to chew. It hurts to speak.
So, today is the day when people decided to call me!...
Two calls from my friend Cindy, and a call from Donna.
Didn't feel like going to church tonight. Didn't feel like going to dinner tonight.
I do feel a bit better right now, but it still hurts.
Enough of that.... I do love jessica Simpson's newest perfume, FANCY. It reminds me of her Dessert Line fragrance that was called Delicious. That was my favorite one. I always wished it lasted longer once it was spritzed on. This just may be a better version! I sprayed it all over myself ant the department store, and I like it! the bottle is supposed to look like "Jess' favorite vintage perfume bottles" I don't think that bottle looks vintage at all. It looks a bit simple and cheap, but it's the juice that counts, right?

I picked up a copy of this book. It is called the Gentle Art of Domesticity by British blogger Jane Brockett. The pictures alone are worth it! the colors are so vibrant.
It is sort of written in blog-style. Each page or two is devoted to a different subject that the author is keen on. Knitting, Baking, Plants, Quilting, Family life, whatever... I find it fascinating. She has a great sense of mixing colors and she talks a lot about inspirations and where she gets her ideas for different projects. I drew inspiration from it.
Also, I have been logging plenty of time on RAVELRY. It is a site for all knitters and yarn lovers. there are so many free patterns, and pattern /yarn information.
what I love are looking at all the pictures people post of their finished projects. I like to see how people put things together. I suppose I am a frustrated stylist, after all....


Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better!
Do you like RL "Notorious"? i kinda do, right now on Annik Gotthal (sp?) kick, love vanilla.
Thanks for giving my boy a slice of family, i know he is homesick but too tough to admit it. xxxo

susand said...

I am feeling better today, but It still feels like I want to rip this tooth out! LOL
It was nice seeing your little "cub" today. He was so chatty and sweet. He's doing fine, mama....
I like "Notorious", but I like Lancome's "Maqnifique" even better.
My favorite Annick Goutal fragrance is "Gardenia Passion"
Most all the fragrances I like have Bergamot as one of the main ingredients.I'm sort of into musks right now.
There is a fragrance called "Miss Me" by Stella Cadente that smells exactly like Love's "Baby Soft" with a musky dry down. It's fantastic!

Anonymous said...

thanks for being a nice auntie! i think he really appreciated seeing some family. he really loves you guys.
I am a gardenia fan as well, wore kate spade for a bit.
every fragrence i have provokes a memory.

susand said...

I refer to fragrance more than pure memory. Once I smell something ( good or bad...) I NEVER forget it! People are sometimes surprised when I recognize perfume they are wearing...