Took Harley to the Park yesterday. It was a beautiful sunny day here. I don't understand why that picture came out so dark....
As you can see, Harley was very excited to go, and was tugging at the leash most of the way. I don't normally let her do this, and she is usually in a heeling position while we walk, but she was just so darned happy to be there, I couldn't deny her!!!!:)

I went and picked apples today. Empires and Cortlands are my favorites. I probably got around 15 lbs, the same amount I got the last time. Now, I have to figure out what to use them in!
I just found a reicipe for an apple cake that has thinly sliced apples on the bottom like and upside-down cake. I also want to try a crock pot recipe I have for apple pie. It uses Bisquick and cooks in the crock pot . that's my type of recipe!
I also went to Walgreen's today because I haven't been there in FOREVER! I had to buy a new blow dryer because my current one is not blowing hot air like it used to. I also need to get a hair cut because it is starting to take me 20 minutes to dry my hair and even then, it's still not dry!
I started stocking up on fall/winter supplies. Aquaphor in mass quantities (for everywhere)
and newer, heavy-duty face cream. I got some OLAY Total Effects 7 signs. Hopefully, it won't break me out. I tired the Definity, and got a face full of blemishes. This one said for sensitive skin, so we'll see. I've noticed lately that my skin is looking a bit slack. This cream is supposed to take care of everything.....
try moroccan oil on your (thick luscious) hair. It is amazing!
I have some hair oil from India called AMLA which I use at times.
It's probably the same type of thing....
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