Got back from Brockport for Thanksgiving. It was nice to see relatives and catch up a bit. We only stayed for a couple of days....Mike and I walked up into town on Friday. Brockport always seems the same, but just a 'little bit changed' whenever we go there. This time, the Burger King has closed and is relocated up further in town. It is kind of sad to see the old building so vacant. I spent a lot of time there! This top picture is of one of those porcelain deer in someone's front yard on Barry street. I got the bigest kick out of seeing this, because it took me by surprise. It really looked like a dead deer! Mike thought I was wierd, I'm sure, taking pictures in someone's yard...

I also thought I's posted about russian candy before. I just ate up the last few pieces I had last night.
If' you've never eaten Russian candy, you should....it is a true experience! It is not good, but it is fun to see what is inside.
I see a few distinct types: grainy caramel/liquor.....Some wierd airy marshmallow stuff....Crunchy wafers layered with cream and nuts......some dry nougat that reminds me of those protein things that the astronauts supposidly took up in space (cannot remember the name of that stuff)......there is one peanut butter one, but I can never figure out which one it is...
some gross milk and assorted hazelnut nougats and a rare raspberry jelly thing.
What I find the most fascinating about these candies is the wrappers. They are so colorful and bizarre. they are like paintings. I have seen everything from creepy babies faces to GUNS,witches, wizards,camels and squirrels, castles and bears.
All the writing is in Russian, so it's a mystery what they are called. I have gone on Russian food sites trying to figure out what is in half of these, and the descriptions are so vague.
I get a bagful everytime I go to the Russian import store. They are not good, but they have grown on me!
There is also a huge selection of slavic medicines there. I think they are antihistamines because they are on cards of like 20. One day when I was there, the woman in line ahead of me was buying about 10 cards of these pills.
I go in there for the kashi. It's cut a bit bigger, and I like that for tabbouleh. I look at the cookies, but they only offer a couple of varieties in many brands. Some tasteless shortbreads that look like those nesting dolls or plain rings. The other variety is wafer cookies with filling.
They have a huge deli there and people are always in there buying sausages and meats which really stink. there are some cakes in a case that are like Dobosh tortes with 10 or more layers.
They always look old.
the last time I was in there, I bought a scarf that was very colorful for like $4.00. I was watching that show on MTV where they send the bratty kids who had huge sweet 16 parties to underdeveloped parts of the world to teach them humility. In the episode where the girl goes to Mongolia, the Mongolian girl is wearing the exact same scarf I bought! Let me say, I was fixated!LOL....

It snowed again today. Not much accumulation, but now it's sleety out.