Saturday, December 13, 2008

Je suis finalement excite' de Noel

(I'm finally excited about Christmas) This has to be the very first time EVER that I've gotten my shopping wrapping and cards done this early.
I have yet to bake, but cannot do that too early. Plus, I'm doing less this year, because I decided last year that everyone is only really interested in cut-out cookies.
So, I've decided that I'm going to take the next week and ENJOY the holidays for once!The weather here is supposed to be in the 50's the next couple of days!
Here's a couple more "fantasy" pressies:

MMMMM.....Moldavite strand. this is amazing! I get the idea of this stone, but it doesn't hit me on the vibe level. I'm just not tuned into it. I do love the color and the rawness of the stones, though! (24", please....)

Cool.....Hermes makes Tarot cards! I like the old-world Parisian thing going on here....
I also love tarot cards. I have found them surprisingly accurate and revealing.

Keeping with the hermes-tarot theme, here is a nice Hermes tarot scarf. I like the cards better.
everyone is gone tonight. Jerry had a party in Buffalo and Mike is working until 10:30.
I'm seriously thinking about pizza and a dvd.......

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