Christmas was quite enjoyable for me this year. I was less stressed than usual and I relaxed a bit more. this was Paul's tree.... We had a nice visit there, and then went to Mom's on Christmas day. We stayed there until this morning and then went to

brunch at Cathy and Bill's house as we have done the past few years. This year we had the excitement of the new baby. His name is Quinn Michael Christy. I say he's the "Mighty Quinn" (Like the song....) He looks a lot like his brother, Parker, and is so tiny!The sock monkey I made him is bigger than he is! He slept a lot of the time we were there and he was held by a lot of people who were there. He is not fussy at all.

The dolls were a big glad! As you can see, Abby likes hers. She hurt her arm and was in some pain, but clutched onto the doll all afternoon. They named the dolls. Abby named hers Gidget, and Emma named hers Coco because of the beret.

We had a nice brunch of egg, sausage and potato casserole, waffles, cinnamon rolls and french toast casserole, coffee and juice.
We made it back to Syracuse around 3:00, unpacked, and relaxed a bit.
I'm doing dinner on New Year's day as usual. Can't make up my mind what the meat will be.
I have a couple of things to return to the mall this week. Mike got a pair of track pants that still have the security thing on them. I'm just going to look around at all the supposed sales that everyone in talking about.
I'm glad to be home.
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