Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Asleep, Awake, Eggplant....

I was reading a magazine and there was an article about his photograph:

I've always loved this set of photos...they remind me of my grandmother. I've seen these photos around since then, and when I found a set of modern copies, I bought them and hung them in my powder room. They are titled: Cupid Asleep/Cupid Awake and were taken by M.B.Parkinson in 1897. The little girl is a the daughter of a friend. Her name is Josephine Anderson, and she was 4 years old when she mused for Mr. Parkinson. She continued to model and collectors still try to find pictures of her later in life.The rights to this photo were sold to Ohio Art ( of Etch-a Sketch fame....)I made Eggplant Fries for supper tonight along with polenta and salad with grilled chicken..We've had these "fries" a couple of times at Italian Festivals but I've never attempted them. They were quite easy to prepare. you see them here served with a side of marinara.They were not greasy at all, and not bitter as eggplant can sometimes be.

Today was a boring day for me. Mike's car has a dead battery, so he drove my car to work and then he went on to go watch the SU game with friends at the bar. I felt so house-bound today.
Tommorrow I will make up for it!!!!!!!I will run errands, possibly get a haircut and get a very large cup of Starbuck's .


Anonymous said...

when i was little i thought it was me! i have 3 sets of them. they make me think of grandma too!

susand said...

you always were a "little angel"......
Actually the two pictures remind me of two other "angels"! LOL

babagirl said...

I've always loved these photos too! And YES,they remind me of Grandma! She always said the angels looked like Uncle Georgie when he was a baby!