Finally fastened the grommets to my beret. I had originally planned to do a pattern, but couldn't decide on just what. I just randomly put them on one side section. I like the way it came out!
I took another picture of my coin necklace. The gold links in between the coins are just round gold jump rings I strung together and made a chain. It was originally a longer necklace, but I decided I liked it shorter.
I found an article in CRAFT magazine that showed how to fuse plastic shopping bags together using an iron. This intrigues me to no end.... Updates to follow! :)

I'm thinking along the lines of zipper topped makeup bags and purses. they even showed a bucket hat that was made out of the fused plastic material. It was great!
I looked though a couple of books today. Influences: by Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. I was expecting to dislike this one. I was pleasantly surprised. It was , at times, a bit fluffy and jaded, but there were a few jewels here. nice pics, too.
Fashion: Inside Out by (Project runway finalist) Daniel Vosovic. This was a book on the creative and business facets of the fashion world. I loved the section on Croquis. I've always wondered how to draw those fashion sketches and make them look decent! I will be practicing now!

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