Today I went and got Harley's medicine from the vet. A bottle of 100 tablets was 66.00! when I got home I googled this product. It was being sold online everywhere for 19.33.......
I decided to call the vet and ask what was up? The receptionist was not too nice to me.
She explained to me that the reason the medicine costs so much is because they can guarantee that I am getting exactly what it says on the bottle's label (and not sawdust or something, I guess.) She also had to add that it is the price that they are charged . She then told me she wasn't going to discuss how much their markup was on stuff..... Very icy.She wasn't too happy to answer my questions and I have a feeling she has either answered this question a few hundred times before, or she just didn't like having to be asked a question in which the true answer is not very nice.
I hate pissing people off, but she shouldn't have been so mean to me, I was just asking a question... I told her that I was just wondering, that's all....
Now Harley has to take these tablets for a month , which is roughly 30 days, but there are 100 pills in the bottle! that makes no sense either... I hope she doesn't have to be on them forever, bcause that would be 66 dollars every 3 months.(that's assuming the price doesn't go up!)
My head aches.
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