Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Went out to eat (again!) tonight. This is very unusual for me. This time we went to Plainville Turkey Farms Restaurant. It's like eating Thanksgiving dinner buffet style.
Had lots of salad, and lots of turkey. Now I am stuffed!
I sort of wasted the day today. Went and had coffee at Barnes and Noble, and then looked around Target and TJMaxx. I am procrastinating doing all my sorting and throwing stuff away.
My huge dumpster comes on Friday. I want to be really good and get rid of so much stuff without putting emotional worth on it. I always do that, and that's why I'm in the situation I'm in now. I can never throw anything out. I WILL. I WILL throw things away and not look back!
(that will be my mantra....)
Tomorrow I have to take Harley to the vet for her yearly check up. she has to get a few shots and I always dread that because she sometimes has a reaction to the serum they give her for distemper. Poor baby.....

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