Monday, May 12, 2008

The Mouth of Truth

I LOVE this picture. Roman Holiday is such a wonderful movie. I think Gregory Peck was so handsome in this movie.
There are moments where he has certain looks on his face, or does certain things that are just so subtle and touching. Very, Very romantic.
Audry Hepburn is the perfect foil for him.
My favorite scene is towards the end where he takes her back to the embassy after they had their wonderful adventurous day. They sit in the car and talk, but it's the LOOKING that says more than the mere words could ever say. You can sort of see it in this picture. He is so into her. I love the way his arms wrap around her and he is just clinging to her so she doesn't get away, but it's so tender like he wants to take care of her because she is so delicate. The scene in the car gets to me because when he says goodbye for the last time, he has actual tears in his eyes. He feels it.
In the last scene ofthe movie when she finds out just who Joe Bradley really is, there are looks that pass between them. She nods at one point but it is so subtle she hardly moves her head at all. it's all in their eyes. That gets to me every time. There is a scene at the end of Notting Hill with Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts that is very similar to this, but it just doesn't achieve this level.
In the movie Only You with Marisa Tomei and Robert Downey jr. There is a scene that pays homage to the scene depicted in the picture above. The Mouth....Of....Truth.....
JoeBradley/Damon Bradley-Peter Wright stick their hand in the mouth of truth and pull it out pretending it's been bitten off.
I watched the finale of The Hills tonight. Lo's a bitch. Lauren is clueless. Heidi is never going to be free of Spencer. Spencer is a tool. Audrina needs to move out/on. Justin Bobby looks so hot in that hat. Whitney didn't get enough face time. She Pratt has redeemed herself.
The drama will continue in August.......I feel guilty to say I can't wait.

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