I just spent an HOUR (yes, an hour....!) on the phone with someone at the RITE AID rebate center. I was on hold for most of it to begin with. When I finally did get through to a representative, she couldn't be more lacking of personality...
When I got nowhere with her, I talked to a supervisor who actually knew the answer to my problem! Rite aid puts things on sale, advertises them as getting 5.00 back with a mail in/online rebate, BUT they don't put the rebates in the rebate circular. To clarify....My rebate offer is #166, but the rebate form only shows 164 offers available for the month of May. So, I'm looking at a similar item where the rebate is only 3.00, not 5.00. The customer rep says to me "I guess you are going to get 3.00 back then" Oh No, I WILL get 5.00 back! See the problem?
Plus, today is the end of the month and the website is already on JUNE rebates, so it won't let me find what I need to find. If it sounds confusing, it is. And they don't really care if you are getting 5 cents or 5 dollars back. They truly don't.
After I chatted with the supervisor, I asked him to please let me talk to the customer rep again.
I apologized for any misunderstandings we had, and told her I really wasn't trying to be a meanie, I was frustrated. She also made peace with me and was nicer after I said what I had to say. I figure, I would want someone to do that to me if I had that job. she probably has people yelling at her all day.
I'm feeling better health-wise today. My voice is slowly coming back and I haven't been coughing today.
I made some yummy chili in the crock pot for supper. It tastes great.
Not sure what the weekend plans are. I think I'm planting flowers and doing laundry.