Saturday, June 13, 2009


I do not know where this past month has gone!
After we got done with the yardwork today, I decided to finally take pictures of the flowers.
They are so beautiful this year! So here is a view from the road.......
(the driveway will be replaced with a new cement driveway soon..)
I love the Hydrangeas!!!!!!

and under the tree..... My Mom made those deer in ceramics.


We decided to leave the Greek Festival till tomorrow and headed out to Skaneateles today.
It started to rain, and was gloomy, but nothing can make Skaneateles look gloomy!!! It is so beautiful there.

Such a charming place. We try to get here a couple of times a year.

the hazy lake. One lone saiboat way out.

After we looked through the shops and walked out near the lake, we headed to Anyela's Vinyard. We've been there before, and like the atmosphere there.
Some band called Elephant Shoes was playing. Two men who played mostly guitar-laden pop songs, but were very funny and got everyone going.

In this field they always plant sunflowers.. In the fall we take a picture.

I have gotten so much sun lately, I keep getting burned and getting over it.
I'm not used to not being pale!!!!!

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